393 metric ton Converter Installation in Brandon, Manitoba
We’re proud to play an integral role in this incredible project at Koch Fertilizer’s Brandon plant. As the Brandon Sun highlights:
“A multimillion-dollar investment by Koch Fertilizer that started nearly two years ago is about to come to completion within the next several days as the company moves forward with the installation of a massive new converter at its Brandon plant.
Two huge cranes currently loom over the site at the plant’s main facility in Brandon’s east end as crews begin the process of installing the replacement converter, referred to as a “tower” by Koch’s plant manager Rodi Sveistrup.
This replacement tower is approximately 98 feet long, 11 feet in diameter, and weighs approximately 393 metric tons.”
Read the full article here: https://www.brandonsun.com/local/2024/11/14/koch-ready-to-install-massive-converter