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icon_widget_image Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30; Sat & Sun - CLOSED icon_widget_image 61053 PR 207, Sunnyside, MB R5R 0C1 icon_widget_image 2490 Gottselig Road, RM of Sherwood, SK S4K 0A6 icon_widget_image 9919 Biggs Ave, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1S2 icon_widget_image 1(877)9-SERVCO (1-877-973-7826) icon_widget_image
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AJP Engineering Projects

AJP’s full list of recent construction and maintenance projects.

AJP Engineering Projects

Keeyask Generating Station

The Keeyask Project is a 695-megawatt (MW) hydroelectric generating station being constructed near Gillam, MB.

Roquette Pea Plant

AJP was engaged by ServcoCanada to produce piping spool drawings and associated pipe support detail drawings at the Hatch/Roquette Pea Protein Plant.

Keeyask Voith Piping

AJP and ServcoCanada were engaged by Voith Hydro to engineer and detail the pressure piping systems associated with the operation of generator and turbine units.