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icon_widget_image Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30; Sat & Sun - CLOSED icon_widget_image 61053 PR 207, Sunnyside, Manitoba, Canada R5R 0C1 icon_widget_image 2490 Gottselig Road, RM of Sherwood, SK S4K 0A6 icon_widget_image 9919 Biggs Ave, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1S2 icon_widget_image 1(877)9-SERVCO (1-877-973-7826) icon_widget_image
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 A Career In


Interested in a career in trades? A Skilled Trades program is a great fit if you’re naturally curious, like working with both your hands and your mind, and are a born problem solver who wants to understand what makes things tick. Each program provides unique training and practice opportunities to give you a solid foundation for your chosen career.

By studying as a mechanic, millwright, welder, pipefitter, ironworker, boilermaker, or insulator, you can work towards a career with ServcoCanada! The Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology is accepting students for the Fall semester. Learn more below and click through to apply!

Visit MITT:

Millwright program:

Our renowned Millwright program trains you to diagnose problems in modern industrial machinery, and create solutions to keep things running smoothly. You might mill custom parts, or invent your own tools to get the job done. Students of this program regularly win provincial and national awards as they become sought-after professionals upon graduation.

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The Industrial Welding program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and build products by cutting and joining ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Students will design and fabricate projects using current welding and fabrication equipment, which simulates an industrial shop environment. The MITT welding program is affiliated with CWA (Canadian Welding Association) and CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau).

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