
Eliminate Subcontractor Markup, Reduce Contractor Management

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30; Sat & Sun - CLOSED icon_widget_image 61053 PR 207, Sunnyside, MB R5R 0C1 icon_widget_image 2490 Gottselig Road, RM of Sherwood, SK S4K 0A6 icon_widget_image 9919 Biggs Ave, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1S2 icon_widget_image 1(877)9-SERVCO (1-877-973-7826) icon_widget_image
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ServcoCanada recognizes the value of integrity and our role in reducing the risk to the environment and communities along the route to our projects. We strive to add value to the communities we interact with, not to take away. To accomplish this, communication, particularly the transfer of information, is key.

ServcoCanada provides education and training to communities surrounding our projects, including all levels of inspection services on multiple components of a project. We engage Nations in full-system integrity verification, in order to encourage understand and buy into pipeline use and to give back in the form of active and meaningful long-term jobs for the northern community members.

ServcoCanada Inspection Services Provided:

  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Coatings Inspection
  • Concrete & Rebar Inspection
  • Tower Inspection
  • Positive Material Identification
  • Equipment & Components
  • Corrosion Investigation
  • Vessel Inspection
  • Crane and Lifting Device Inspection and Certification
  • Rotating Equipment, Valves, Compressor Skids, Pumps & Transformers
  • Incident/Accident Investigation

Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) by virtue of its ability to detect flaws, measure dimensions and assess material characteristics, has become a primary tool in addressing the predictions of component performance and remaining service life.

The selection of an appropriate NDT method for a specific application is based upon cost, the physical characteristics of the material and the discontinuities of most interest, including the probable location, orientation, size and morphology.

The assumption is that if an item is free from unacceptable flawed conditions, it should meet performance expectations, e.g., carry rated loads, withstand vibration, or maintain dimensional integrity.

The NDT approach to materials testing is non-destructive in that each inspected item is expected to be placed in service. This is in stark contrast to the destructive methods of materials evaluation where sacrificial specimens are required.

ServcoCanada provides Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Standard 48.9712, and American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Certified Inspectors to meet the quality solutions you require.

ServcoCanada has built a nationwide reputation over the past 23 years in providing the following inspection services.

  • Visual Inspection
  • Magnetic Particle Inspection
  • Liquid Penetrant Inspection
  • Ultrasonic Inspection
  • Positive Material Identification (PMI)
  • Hardness Testing
  • Corrosion/Thickness Surveys

ServcoCanada also provides support in shutdowns, outages and turnarounds and the following special services.

  • Equipment Inspection
  • Equipment Evaluation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Quality Control

ServcoCanada helps define the inspection parameters according to your needs, and governing standards and regulations. Our service advantage includes several important elements:

  • Safety Evaluation – with a minimum of system down time
  • Early Detection – of potentially dangerous and costly unscheduled service interruption
  • Ability to Monitor – degradation processes from which realistic and cost effective re-inspection schedules can be developed.

On larger projects, ServcoCanada can provide the technical link between you and your NDT contractor.

We will ensure that the job is done according to the specifications, and provide objective evaluation of inspection results.
A sampling of the industries that we provide NDT services to is provided below.

  • Bridges/Catwalks/Pedestrian, Walkways
  • Locks/Dams/Floodways
  • Transformers/Power Stations
  • Water/Sewer Stations
  • Mining
  • Infrastructural airports, universities/colleges, retail buildings, personal care facilities, food processing plant, railway facilities and breweries.