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Julien LaFleche Elected President

Julien LaFleche Elected President Of Mechanical Contractors Association Of Manitoba

Julien Lafleche was elected as MCAM’s 2021-23 president at the 2021 AGM.

With over 25 years’ experience, Julien’s passion for the industry began at a young age: He began as a high school student working summers as a labourer in the heavy construction sector and by the age of 23, attained his red seal as a journeyman steamfitter. In his current role as president and CEO, Julien regularly relies on his hands-on field experience in his everyday decision making. As his role has grown and evolved, his focus has shifted to providing strong corporate leadership as he oversees DMS, NME, AJP and CQI. From Julien’s experiences in sport as a player and coach, working on the tools, holding the role as foreman and now as a president and CEO at DMS Industrial Constructors and as well as MCAM president, one thing holds true: He believes that strong leadership is the foundation for success in any arena.

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Published: 2021/05/18