
Eliminate Subcontractor Markup, Reduce Contractor Management

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30; Sat & Sun - CLOSED icon_widget_image 61053 PR 207, Sunnyside, MB R5R 0C1 icon_widget_image 2490 Gottselig Road, RM of Sherwood, SK S4K 0A6 icon_widget_image 9919 Biggs Ave, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1S2 icon_widget_image 1(877)9-SERVCO (1-877-973-7826) icon_widget_image
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Our Quality Assurance


Committed To Quality

ServcoCanada strives to remain a leading Canadian industrial contractor by providing quality products and services that meet or exceed client expectations. Within our processes, we aim to:

  • Promote a dynamic quality-improvement program based on total quality control and total quality management, which each employee at ServcoCanada internalizes.
  • Design, fabricate and deliver high-quality products that will perform as expected while complying with the highest level of regulatory and statutory code requirements.
  • Maintain service quality in an economical and expeditious manner, emphasizing client satisfaction.
  • Prevent defects through continual training, emphasis on quality improvement, and a “do it right the first time” approach.
  • Consistently perform value-added work to satisfy the needs of the client fully.

We recognize that client satisfaction is fundamental to our long-term development. Through the efforts of each ServcoCanada employee, in conjunction with supportive participation from all levels of management, we act on this acknowledgment. We are committed to the objectives and philosophy above. We seek to continually improve all aspects of our business processes and quality management systems.

ServcoCanada is one of the few companies in Canada with an Integrated Management System Manual. We created our system to adopt a process approach to our quality control standards to better serve our clients. The key performance indicators developed throughout this process are linked to our quality control objectives and help evaluate projects more effectively.

ServcoCanada has been Certified and audited to CSA Standard W 47.1 since July 4, 2003. We are also audited yearly for compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and 45001 since 2014.

Please feel free to contact us for more information on our quality control.