Project Details
The scope of work that undertook for this project included the supply, fabrication, and installation of piping supports installation of prefabricated piping spools, NDE inspection, and Hydrotesting.
When the piping installation scope was in the proposal stage, the design was not complete and the overall scope was unclear. This work was completed during the overall construction of the building on site and prefabricated piping spools were craned in. ServcoCanada had a sub contractor fabricate the piping supports. While on site, ServcoCanada installed the piping spools and supports followed by Hydro testing to ensure quality compliance. Install of pre-fabricated piping, pressure testing, supply/install pipe supports including paint, safety and quality supervision.
See below for a SaskPower project overview video:
Carbon capture pipe and steel supports for the Carbon Capture project in Estevan, Saskatchewan. Carbon Capture project consisted of re-powering of the existing Unit #3 and the installation of the Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide and NOx capture facility. Its primary purpose is to provide a low-cost source of carbon dioxide. ServcoCanada successfully completed the Piping and supports related to the Carbon Capture process and its 65,000 sq. ft. facility