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Enbridge Wascana Pipeline


Enbridge Wascana Pipeline


ServcoCanada took part in the construction management, engineering, procurement, and partial construction of the Enbridge Plains Wascana Reversal Connection project at their terminal in Regina, Saskatchewan. Installed a new 12” Crude Oil line, a new Metering manifold and a Manifold Prover, along with electrical requirements. Overall project and construction management, Enbridge Pipelines (engineering, partial procurement) and Enbridge Pipeline Maintenance (partial construction).

Project Details:

Install a new 12” Crude Oil line, a new Metering manifold and a Manifold Prover, along with electrical requirements. Overall project and construction management, Enbridge Pipelines (engineering, partial procurement) and Enbridge Pipeline Maintenance (partial construction)

The ServcoCanada scope of work for this project included the supply, fabrication, and installation of process piping and insulation for the embedded and exposed pipe. Piping included internally engineered support structures for all embedded piping.



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Project Info

Client: Enbridge Pipelines

Scope Of Work: Construction Management,Procurement, General Contractor, Fabrication + Installation, Piping, Structural

Work Completed: 2014