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Manitoba Hydro Generating Station

Manitoba Hydro Generating Station

Manitoba Hydro Generating Station

Project Details

Full scope of work included; Site testing, commissioning, training, warranty of workmanship and materials, contractor’s insurance, itemizing procurement, fabrication, manufacture, inspection, supply, supervision, labour, materials, plant, tools, equipment, quality control, shop assembly and shop testing, mobilization and demobilization, delivery, site unloading, handling, site storage and on-site transportation.



The Wuskwatim Generating Station is located in Northern Manitoba. The station was completed in 2012 and was developed and is owned by the Wuskwatim Power Limited Partnership (WPLP). Manitoba Hydro operates the station as part of the Manitoba power grid. ServcoCanada (formerly DMS Industrial Constructors) was responsible for the supply, installation and commissioning of mechanical systems. This involved providing services and resources for the timely design and construction of components for this project.



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Project Info

Client: WPLP

SCOPE OF WORK: Fabrication, Manufacturing, Inspection, Supply, Supervision and much more

Completed: September 2012