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Snow Lake Paste Backfill Plant

Snow Lake Paste Backfill Plant

Snow Lake Paste Backfill Plant


The Paste Backfill Plant was built for Hudbay’s Lalor Mine located near Snow Lake, Manitoba. The plant utilizes tailings and concrete mixed into a paste that is pumped underground to stabilize ongoing mining excavations. ServcoCanada (formerly DMS Industrial Constructors) mobilized to site in Dec. of 2017 and was able to complete their scope of work in May of 2018. DMS managed an aggressive schedule working both a day and night shift, closely tracking there schedule progress using value earned tracking and detailed P6 schedule.

Project Details

Full scope included Hydro and pneumatic testing of piping, Shop fabrication and painting of piping, Commissioning and load testing of overhead crane, Procurement of materials and equipment, Temporary Construction Power and lighting, Permanent power lighting and controls, grounding, heat tracing, Install of owner supplied mechanical equipment, Pipe and duct insulation and cladding, Quality control, Permits.

Total Man Hours: 45,427

Our scope of work for Hudbay in Snow Lake Manitoba was to provide for a complete Mechanical, Piping, Heat Tracing, Insulation, HVAC, Electrical and Instrumentation install for an operational paste plant referred to as the “Lalor Paste Plant”. Project Mobilization Date December 2017 and Project Construction Substantial Completion April 2018.




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Project Info

Client: Paste Backfill Plant

SCOPE OF WORK: Hydro and Pneumatic Testing of Piping, Fabrication and Painting of Piping, Commissioning and much more

Completed: September 2018