
Eliminate Subcontractor Markup, Reduce Contractor Management

icon_widget_image Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30; Sat & Sun - CLOSED icon_widget_image 61053 PR 207, Sunnyside, MB R5R 0C1 icon_widget_image 2490 Gottselig Road, RM of Sherwood, SK S4K 0A6 icon_widget_image 9919 Biggs Ave, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1S2 icon_widget_image 1(877)9-SERVCO (1-877-973-7826) icon_widget_image

Project & Site Management


Project & Site Management

ServcoCanada begins every project with our number one priority in mind – safety.

We provide a one-stop-shop for the complete delivery of construction and maintenance projects; this reduces the reliance and cost of management contractors who have historically overseen the work undertaken by multiple subcontractors.

ServcoCanada has not only established an opportunity to reduce the cost of capital projects and operations, we have also created an opportunity for single point accountability in the supply chain.

We believe that the management of projects is improved through linear collaboration and aligned problem-solving. Collaboration offers an opportunity to work together with our clients, delivering solutions without compromise to safety, process or the quality of execution.

ServcoCanada’s unique business model reduces the overall cost to the client, increases the quality of delivery through collaborative working, and focuses on providing the right solution from the outset.

By providing in-house service with skills ranging from senior process engineers, millwrights, electricians, machine operators to traffic flaggers and laborers, we can deliver efficiencies in contract management for clients.

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