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ServcoCanada Reports Successful Northern Apprenticeship Program

ServcoCanada Reports Successful Northern Apprenticeship Program

ServcoCanada Inc. is thrilled to share the positive influence Northern Maintenance Service’s On the Job Training (OJT) Apprenticeship Program has had on Cree Nation partner communities since its inception seven years ago.

ServcoCanada’s subsidiary, NME Construction Services Ltd., formed Northern Maintenance Services (NMS), a joint venture with Cree Nation partners, in 2012 to pursue projects through Manitoba Hydro and the Keeyask Infrastructure Project.

Within this joint venture, the OJT Apprenticeship Program was created in 2015 to form a long-term structured partnership with Cree Nation partner members and give participants an education and skillset to take back to their communities.

More specifically, the program was designed to increase capacity in areas such as contract administration, construction management, apprenticeship, and qualification in skilled trades, as well as provide overall employment opportunities.

The program recently wrapped up as the Keeyask project was completed in December 2022. “The goal of the OJT program was to increase self-sufficiency and independence within the community, and the program did just that,” said Ashley Mushumanski, Project Controls Manager.

“[It was] inspirational to watch these young people who don’t have any specific workforce experience or skillset build a foundation of experience so they can shape their own future.”

The OJT program has logged close to 98,000 work hours and its participants were almost 100% Tataskweyak Cree Nation and War Lake First Nation members. Additional funds were reallocated to the program directly from Manitoba Hydro in the final years of the Keeyask project due to the program’s success.

OJT Apprenticeship Program Success Stories

Gabriel Spence started the OJT program as a young man without any related work experience. After completing the program, he is now a journeyman plumber and has completed the fifth level of apprenticeship.

“The OJT program was a life-changing experience,” said Spence.. “[The program] Was worth it in the end. I would recommend it to others.”

Another participant, Jade Mayham, also started the OJT program without any related work experience. She completed the program and is now a Level II Professional Administrative Clerk.

“Being hired under the OJT program with NMS has given me the opportunity and inspiration to work hard to achieve career goals in an industry I never thought I would succeed in,.”, said Mayhem.

Jade has since started a new position with ServcoCanada at their Winnipeg (Sunnyside, MB) head office in January, 2023.

Click here to learn more about Northern Maintenance Services.


Published: 2023/02/14